Addressing Youth and Children With Problematic Sexual Behaviors
Resources for CACs, Partners, and Caregivers
The process of identifying and responding to problematic sexual behaviors (PSBs) among youth and children is often fragmented and inconsistent across the country. CACs are leaders in supporting families impacted by child abuse through coordinated multidisciplinary response and care. This uniquely qualifies CACs to coordinate effective interventions for this population. Below are resources for CACs to educate leaders, staff, partners, and caregivers on this crucial issue and to help improve the CAC response to problematic sexual behaviors.
*NEW* Understanding and Investigating Cases Involving Problematic Sexual Behaviors for Law Enforcement
A two-part, 10-minute video series for law enforcement on working with children with PSBs with NCA's Geoff Sidoli and Care Center's Dustin Albright, a former child abuse detective. MDTs and law enforcement can learn the basics behind what causes these cases, which outcomes police are working toward for children and their families, and what officers can do to stop and prevent crime while ensuring the family's needs are addressed.
Module 1: Understanding Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors for Law Enforcement
Module 2: Investigating Cases Involving Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors for Law Enforcement

Video Training Series (Prerequisite for PSB-CBT Training)
NCA partnered with the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth to produce a free, two-hour video training series intended for CACs on addressing youth and children with sexual behavior problems. Below is a trailer for the series and a link to access the training.
Mini-Video on PSB-CBT
In this video you will learn about PSB-CBT to include research and training requirements.
Upcoming Online Trainings
Fact Sheets
These fact sheets were developed for use by CACs to educate themselves, their partners, caregivers, and communities on addressing youth and children with PSBs. While all NCA member CACs were sent a number of copies of each fact sheet at the time they were launched, CACs and partner organizations may download these documents free at any time to print additional copies for distribution.
Access the fact sheets and online safety information.
The webinars have been developed over the last several years to provide educational and implementation support for CACs and mental health providers. Topics range from mental health services to obtaining funding and implementing best practice therapeutic services. PDFs of PPTs from the webinars are available to download.
Click here to access the list of previous NCA webinars on Problematic Sexual Behavior.
CAC/MDT Response to PSB
Information is available here on best practice for PSB programs as well as links to resource and fact sheets on PSB. The link to the recommendations for the 2020 MDT and CAC response document developed by the SRCAC is found here. This comprehensive best practice document is an essential guide that can be utilized for all MDT members as it provides considerations from initial investigation to ongoing supports.
Click here to access the CAC/MDT Response to PSB resources.
Forensic Interviews
A forensic interview guidance document for youth with PSB and other resources will be added to this section.
Click here to access the PSB Forensic Interview Guidance and Glossary.
Medical and Mental Health Services
Downloadable resources created for medical professionals, as well as resources specific to treatment of children with PSB, ncluding an overview of sexual behaviors in children, evaluation of sexual behaviors and a tip sheet for youth are provided here.
Click here to access resources.
Legal and Child Welfare
This section provides resources for those involved in the investigation and possible prosecution of youth with problematic sexual behaviors. Documents related to best practice for prosecution and the impact of the legal system on youth with problematic sexual behavior are available to download.
Click here to access resources
Resources for Caregivers on Sexual Behavior of Youth
Caregivers seeking support, information, and resources will find the items within this section of significant use. Newsletters provided by the Parent Partnership Board are available to review by clicking here.
National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth https://ncsby.org/ has several resources for caregivers under the Parents tab.
School Resources
Click here for resources
This link provides access to research specific to youth with problematic sexual behavior. This growing body of research possesses insights needed to provide comprehensive care, treatment, awareness, and understanding for both individuals experiencing the behavior and persons investing in treatment for this specific population.
Click here to access research information
Electronic/Online Sexual Behaviors
Online sexual behavior in youth across the globe is becoming a norm. This behavior can lead to at-risk, unsafe, and unexpected social interactions within the digital world. By selecting this link, you will find resources that are beginning to explore the implications of electronic sources with regard to online sexual behavior.
Click here for resources.
Please find YSPB prevention resources below:
Stop It Now! - https://www.stopitnow.org/
Culture Reframed (online resources) - https://www.culturereframed.org/
The United States Armed Forces has an established Department of Defense Coordinated Response to Problematic Sexual Behaviors. This coordinated response includes partnerships with local Child Advocacy Centers surrounding Military Installations. In addition, Military specific and coordinated resources are designed by Armed Forces system to enhance the lives of Military dependents. Military resources include Military One Source and Military Families Learning Network. For more information about Military resources a variety of information can be found in the NCA CAC Military Page.
Click here for Military resources
Other Resources
Click here to access resources.
Our Partners
Thanks to the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth and Dr. Jane Silovsky for taking the leading role in identifying and creating resources for CACs. Thanks to NCA’s Youth with PSB Collaborative Work Group, who have worked tirelessly over many years to identify and create resources for the field. We also want to thank Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center and the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation for their support in the development of the fact sheets and video training Series.
For more about these resources and the issues surrounding problematic sexual behaviors in youth and children, contact:
Michelle Miller, Ph.D., LCSW
Director of Mental Health Programs, National Children’s Alliance
- National Children’s Alliance 2015 statistical data submitted by Children’s Advocacy Center members.
- Howard N. Snyder, “Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement: Victim, Incident, and Offender Characteristics” (Washington: Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2000), p. 8, retrieved December 8, 2016 from https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/saycrle.pdf
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